Eric Chong meets Dato Jimmy Choo

Dato Jimmy Choo is a global icon. His name is synonymous with ultra luxury, high fashion and elegance.
"Jimmy Choo" used to be just like any other ordinary Malaysian Chinese name. However,  today it is a global brand which is synonymous with ultra luxury, high fashion and elegance.

Royalty, social elites and celebrities the world over love Jimmy Choo. Women feel sexy and sensual when they walk on four inch Jimmy Choo shoes.

I first met Dato Jimmy Choo six years ago through Dato Lewre Lew, another top Malaysian shoe designer who shines on the world stage.

It was an amazing experience. I found Dato Jimmy really down to earth and unassuming. I couldn't believe that such a big international star as Jimmy could be so friendly and approachable.

Dato Jimmy Choo is indeed the pride of Malaysia. Few Malaysians have achieved fame and stardom the way he has. A name so loved by all fashion-conscious women all over the world - he is absolutely amazing!

It is Erican College's firm belief that Malaysians can be truly globally competitive. However, to have globally competitive human capital, it takes a globally competitive education system. After all, education is the only means to laying a solid foundation for future successes.

Because of this, Dato Jimmy Choo is passionate about education and committed to molding the next generation.

Eric Chong is the Managing Director of Erican College, an institute of higher education which unleashes the full potential of young people and molds them into leaders of the design and business fields. He is also the President of Branding Association of Malaysia.


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