It's Never Too Late!

Erican Chong meets young Malaysian bloggers over lunch

I just attended a two-day conference - to wit, the "Asian Bloggers and Social Media Conference 2010" which was organised by 'My Events International'. 'My Events' is a brilliant trend-setting organisation led by a very good friend of mine and prolific up-and-coming entrepreneur, Mr Shahul Hameed Dawood.

I must say, it was an excellent conference; my sole response can only be described as ‘simply overwhelmed’. Hundreds of bloggers gathered together (many for the first time ever) in one central location to explore the stunning frontiers of the bloggersphere. To a fresh ‘blogger’ like I, there was simply so much to learn and so many gurus to learn from.

I cannot deny that I found this bloggersphere to be a much different world from the conventional one that I knew. Although I was likely much older than the vast majority of the seasoned participants, I felt like a mere child exploring this exciting new universe, my mind tingling with absolute curiosity and fascination.

The model of modern communication is changing at a breakneck speed. Relationships used to be built solely upon the good old fashioned model of socialising - you get out there, mingle with people face-to-face, talk over lunch, dinner or a drink, and via these methods, get to know people and establish a rapport with them.

However, we are now witnessing a large number of 'highly sociable introverts'. These people are able to predominantly stay in their homes and yet still enjoy a fantastic social life. They are able to meet hundreds if not thousands of friends, people they may or may not have met face-to-face before, all within the confines of their own small four walls.

Can you imagine any other time period where this would have been at all possible? No way!

I actually began to feel alarmed by these startling development some three years ago. I could feel, deep inside, that I was missing out on something, times had changed - and were leaving many of us behind. My 'old school' way of socialising did not seem to be as effective or as exhaustive as it used to be. I knew deep down what was making me feel this way - it was the power of the virtual community.

I didn't react right away - I thought it best to 'wait' and 'observe' first, secretly hoping that this new way of life would just be a fad and go away eventually.

But I realised it was not going away. On the contrary, it was spreading farther and wider and penetrating deeper and deeper into the lives and homes of millions.

I am a firm believer in the saying, "If you can't beat them, join 'em."

Any change process involves the following steps: awareness, resistance, acceptance, embracing.

After 'resisting' change and holding on to my 'old school beliefs' steadfastly for years, I was finally yielding to the stark reality. I decided to not only accept this change but to jump in and embrace this new world, absolutely and unreservedly.

Amongst the first things I did was to start this blog, a place where I can communicate my thoughts with people in a ubiquitous manner.

I must state that I have truly felt liberated through the writing of the articles for this blog. My new role as a 'blogger' has given me a new lease on creativity and writing, a new passion as it were.

I have also picked up an Idiot Guide on Facebook and Twitter. I questioned every young person I ran into about how they would use these tools to maximise their social contacts and online influence. I am amazed how much I can learn from these tech savvy young people. And the more I find out about this world, the more I find myself hopelessly in love with it.

I admit, perhaps this was not love at first sight, but in life it is never too late to learn or too late to change.

We must all accept this - If you refuse to learn something new, the world will just pass you by. Never think that this world owes you a living. It was here before you came, and trust me, it will be here after you go. Life will go on, with or without you.

It is never too late to learn, my friends! Be it acquiring a new language, picking up computer skills, or completing your tertiary education. If a lack of some area of learning has held you back until now, then NOW is the time to correct that!

But this is the clincher - If you do NOT do it now, you will regret your non-action for the rest of your life. However, if you step up to the plate now and make that swing, I know you will thank me for it in the not too distant future.

“Life is about constantly going beyond limits!”
- Erican Chong


  1. and you were interviewed as a blogger after blogging for three weeks!

  2. Welcome to the bloggersphere. I didn't see your interview. Where? Nick

  3. It's a privilege that you had the chance to go there! blogging has constantly change the world, now you can easily study through blog articles that people wrote!


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