A Small Party

On January 31st, I threw a small party for some good friends of mine.

I wanted to do an outdoor party but the one thing that worried me was the weather. I checked the weather forecast and I saw this one devastating word – THUNDERSTORMS! To ensure that nobody would get wet, I built 4 canopies around my house for drop-offs and prepared lots of umbrellas and raincoats.

Then the day came. Surprisingly, it was sunny and the sky looked amazingly blue in the morning. I said “Surely, it won’t last!” But it did! In fact, the weather was so perfect all day that it set the perfect condition for the perfect party.

We had a great time catching up with old friends and making new acquaintances. In fact, we had so much fun and there was so much to talk about that although the party was meant to end by 11pm, some of my guests stayed on and left only as ‘early’ as 3am.

My dear friends, I would like to thank you all once again for your friendship and support. I wish you all prosperity, health and happiness in the Year of the Snake!

Datuk Eric Chong is the Managing Director of Erican College, an institute of higher education established for the sole objective of developing a new breed of highly successful young Malaysians. He is also the President of Branding Association of Malaysia.


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