Success Habits

We are all beings of habits. How we live and what we do everyday are shaped by certain habits that are formed over the years.

Most successful people are successful not because they have extraordinary luck or work extraordinarily hard, but because they have extraordinary success habits.

On the other hand, many of those who have failed did so, not because they did not try hard enough, but because they had not developed a 'way of life' that would constantly steer them towards the direction of success, i.e. they were not equipped with 'success habits'.

Success Habits is an important concept for serious pursuers of success. It is important because without it, it is extremely difficult to go far in life.

'Why is it so?' You may ask.

The answer is that your ultimate success is usually a result of your consistency in life.

Success is not likely to happen overnight unless, of course, one strikes the lottery or receives a surprise inheritance from a long-lost millionaire uncle who happened to have no children.

Since the probability of one of the above mentioned events happening in real life is extremely low, you must not depend on it. Rather, you must depend on yourself to make it happen. And to make it happen, you cannot merely just 'do the things right' but also 'do the right things'.

In short, you must always 'do the right things right'!

But how can we always do the right things right? The only way for this to happen is if our brain is programmed in such a way that without having to always consciously remind ourselves, we simply will go about doing these 'rights things right’ unknowingly. It, therefore, needs to become habitual!

Anything that is not you or part of your system cannot last. The only things that will last are things you do as a habit or things that you love to do.

Say, for example, you do not like to study but you understand the importance of achieving good results. So you study hard. However, since intrinsically you do not like studying, it is unlikely that you will do so if there is no exam pressure. You will surely study very hard when an important exam is around the corner, but right after that, you will throw all your books away and party day and night until another exam comes again.

And yes, you can still do well academically and achieve good results, but you are unlikely to be a top-notch student. Top-notch students are those who love studying and have developed a habit for reading, learning and excelling. These top guns do not study for exams, they study because this is a habit of theirs - they merely do what they love to do and want to do, without having to constantly remind themselves to do it for better results.

When something is programmed in your brain, it becomes intrinsic. This means that whatever you do comes from your heart, without external forces. This is what we call Success Habits, and it is the most powerful type of success quality one can possibly possess.

Those who force it upon themselves to do the 'right things right' will find it impossible to follow through and achieve 100% consistency. In fact, you are considered fantastic if you are able to achieve 80% consistency.

Since the degree of one's success is a result of how consistently one can do the right things right, the one who achieves 100% consistency will achieve 100% success, and the one who achieves 80% will likely be only 80% successful.

Therefore, do not depend on luck; depend on Success Habits.

Make ‘doing all the right things’ such as working hard, thinking strategically, being passionate and positive, reading substantially, planning meticulously, speaking politely, treating people with sincerity and respect, asking questions, looking for solutions, learning and observing as habitual for you as the many other simple acts such as brushing your teeth in the morning, saying a prayer before you eat, combing your hair before you walk out of your house, and looking left and right before you cross a street.

Your habits in life will make or break you, so try your level best to weed out all of your bad habits and strengthen the good ones.

You will become much more successful in whatever you do before you know it.

So try it out and be amazed!

“Life is about constantly going beyond limits!”
- Erican Chong


  1. no wonder some people are successful and some people not. now i know why i am no bill gates. :(


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