Wait! Isn't your name Eric Chong???

Some of the newer visitors to my blog (which at this point of writing, means all of you), may wonder why I am using "Erican Chong "as my name in blogspot, rather than my more commonly known name, Eric Chong.

The answer lies on the great World Wide Web. You see, I recently - on a whim - googled 'Eric Chong' just to see how many Eric Chong's there are out there on the internet. Well, let me tell you - there are thousands!!!

After browsing through the various search results for over an hour, I came to the conclusion. There are so many Eric Chong's out there that I believe any type of search for any one 'Eric Chong" would become very time consuming indeed.

In business, we like to talk about product differentiation. "Don't sell the same thing in the same way as everybody else does," many business gurus often say. Taking this advice to heart, I have decided to avoid being confused with all the other 'Eric Chongs' in the world and simply call myself "Erican Chong" on the greater blogger sphere.

Naturally, this is only for the purposes of the blog. If you're a student of Erican, please don't ask for an appointment with Erican Chong. 'Eric Chong', I believe in most non-web circumstances will still be more than suitable.

Best of luck and keep going beyond limits!

"Life is about constantly going beyond limits!"

- Erican Chong


  1. everybody knows you are erican what. i hope you can inspire us. you are always inspiring. i saw you on tv a few days ago. you speak chinese very well. i am surprised.

  2. I was once your student. Now I am a school teacher. Thank you for all that you did for me. Erican Language Centre is a good centre indeed. I will recommend it to all my students. I mean it and will do it. Keep up the good work. I like your blog title: Musings with Erican Chong. Your new name is cool. :)


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