Erican Success Forum - October 2012

Dato Lewre Lew & Eric Chong speak at the Erican Success Forum, Oct 2012 I am elated to finally kick-start the first of a series of inspiring monthly Erican Success Forums organised exclusively for the students of Erican College. It all begins this Saturday @ Erican College. W hat makes me even more thrilled is that my first guest is none other than a very close and dear friend of mine, Dato Lewre Lew, Founder of Lewre International! Dato Lewre, of course, needs no introduction! He is a Malaysian business icon who has single-handedly turned a small local shoe manufacturer into an internationally acclaimed brand! I really hope that my students will take full advantage of this rare opportunity and learn as much as they can directly from this great man who has made Malaysia proud. Eric Chong is the Managing Director of Erican College, an institute of higher education established for the sole objective of developing a new breed of highly successful young Mala...