Your First Times

Our first encounters with anything are usually memorable. Ask yourself if you can still remember these ‘firsts’ in your life: - Your first interview? - Your first speech? - Your first drive? - Your first flight? - Your first fight? - Your first kiss? Of course you do! The thrill of doing something you have never done before mixed with the fear of the unknown makes these insignificant events memorable and even life-shaping. However, after these things have been done repeatedly for a while, the fire burns out and the thrills and excitement experienced earlier disappear. Boredom sets in and it becomes a routine and nothing more. This is, of course, simply a natural progression. When a young person just starts out, everything is new to him. He therefore explores, with great curiosity, this world that he is just getting to know. Everything he sees and touches is new, fresh and novel. He tries out everything passionately yet clumsily. As time passes, the things that were once new and exotic...